Rocky should have started Kindergarten last year, but I held him back because he was going to be the youngest in his grade. Plus COVID was not going to be a fun time to start school.
Rocky started Kindergarten earlier this month, and surprisingly it's been a hard transition. I thought he would love the system and process of school, having a backpack and a desk...but he dreads going and has a hard time letting me go in the mornings. It is sweet and Chelsea says I'm going to miss it when he is over this stage, but it is challenging to rip him off and hear his complain every school night and morning. Currently, he whines all morning, somewhat cries on the walk to school, hugs for a long time at the top of the hill, goes a couple steps, runs back to hug me, walks a little further, runs back for another hug, etc. Then we wave when it he makes it to the classroom until he teacher opens the door and he yells, "YOU CAN LEAVE NOW!" with a couple more waves. I don't think he has a hard time once he's at school, but it's hard to know for sure because I don't get any feedback from the teacher and Rocky doesn't tell me much.

Rocky looooves his mom and loves to cuddle. He would cuddle me all night if I let him. He hates to go to sleep without me laying with him. He hates when anyone leaves, but especially me. He will run with the car and wave and yell love statements all the way until I'm going fast enough to leave him.
Rock is still my little collector and always has an armful of "treasures" with him where ever he goes. I recently gave him a fanny pack and he packs that thing to the top full of gum, his wallet, a toy phone, a journal, etc. He loves to play with string and tie it onto things. This morning we found pieces of string strung from the cul de sac's island tree to the neighbor's tree. The poor neighbors who had to drive around that this morning on their way to work....Rocky collects shells and all kinds of garbage at the beach, always finding hair ties, jewelry, broken plastic, etc. His cousins gave him a rainbow dash toy and he has loved that lately. He got a free 2021 calendar from the PCC and loves to look at what phase of the moon is coming up.
We are working on obedience and attitude and working hard with Rocky. He still loves potty language, likes to try and be funny, often at the expense of others. He always wants to tell me one thing, or do one thing before doing the thing I asked of him so we have to constantly remind him "obey first." Rocky is often laughing during situations where I or someone else is upset, and this makes situations worse. Rocky has a lot of energy and sometimes can't sit still long enough, or can't be serious long enough to take correction.
Rocky is a great lego builder and has a wonderful imagination. He gets along well with Izzy. He is a good artist and is always inventing or explaining to me an idea he has about a machine or maneuver. He is very physical and wrestles, hugs, bounces constantly. And still has a knack for music, beatboxing, ukulele, etc.
Always get comments about what good hikers I have
He's so handsome
I think we look alike in this pic
Preschool graduation
He loved his preschool, Tiny Tots Christian Preschool with Ms. Rosario. I felt like Ms Rosario truly loved Rocky and he loved her back.
Built a temple while spending time in time-out
Homemade paper mask - so creative
On a date
He is obsessed and motivated by money, but loses it constantly.
Just one day at breakfast I noticed his scalp
Some recent creations
More than anyone else I know, this kid wants/needs snacks!
Love you SO much Rocky Mountain