Sunday, September 27, 2015

1 month!

You eat about every other hour for about an hour and a half...

You wake up 2-3x/night...

You haven't been fed a bottle yet...

You hardly ever spit up...

You light up our lives!!!

Tongue Tie

You have turned our world upside down! 
And my heart has doubled in size.
We sure love you!! Me especially. I feel like we have a very special bond.

As motivated as I was to nurse, we were still having a difficult time. Bobby was on his pediatric rotation and came home one day and announced that you had tongue tie. The lactation consultant had mentioned that but I ignored it because I didn't want to hurt you! 
Bobby decided that he would do the procedure. I cried and cried and really didn't want to, but I eventually gave in. (Bobby was sure he could do it considering he'd seen it been done 3x now). We got our sterile supplies. swaddled you up and preformed surgery on our bed! You were so our mad at dad for putting his hands in your mouth, but barely cried at the cut! I was so proud!
And nursing has become easier, faster and I am beginning to heal.

Rocky Brigham Rampton

We love you so much!!!

Birth Story:
After being dilated to a 5 for 5 DAYS (who does that?!) HERE, you finally arrived 10/11 days early!
Wednesday, July 29 in the morning I had an OB appointment that at the time of making it, I did not think I'd make, so I was mad I was still pregnant. My OB said I was dilated to a 5 still, and she wanted to strip my membranes to kick start things. She said normally they wouldn't strip membranes so early (I was 38.5 weeks at this point), but she was worried my water would break and I'd move so quickly that I would have the baby in the car (or not have enough time to get an epidural). 
Bobby was skeptical of augmenting labor since I was still so early, but finally agreed to let her strip my membranes. 
She did, but she said there was not much to strip, since the baby had already pulled his sack off the uterus already. So I didn't know if it would induce me or not.
I returned home and about an hour later started having mild contractions. I was not at all convinced that it was labor, but as they got worse my mom was pretty much begging me to go to the hospital LOL! She was worried she was going to deliver the baby.

1:00 PM
Check into the hospital. I didn't want to tell Bobby I was there yet because I wanted to make sure it was for real this time. But he found out somehow and surprised me there. 
Dilated to a 6 again. Contractions are pretty consistent.
Bobby is not convinced I'm in labor either. The resident tries to admit us, but Bobby wants to wait in triage just a little longer.
(We later learn that the resident talked about us to other resident interns saying 'He's a resident and he doesn't think his wife is in labor! haha)

About 4:00 PM
Get admitted. I've decided that this is the real thing, the contractions are different than they were on Friday. 
Get an epidural.
(Side note - the Dr's at this point are so worried about my history of a. fib after having Troy. The cardiologist I had seen weeks earlier recommended me being on a heart monitor after delivery, which was not an option at this hospital. The OB tells me I'll have to spend 12-24 hours in the ICU after delivery(!) without the baby. I tell them I'll sign a AMA. I was too worried it would affect my breastfeeding, and I felt confident that I would be able to feel if my heart needed care.)
Have relief from the contractions for about 2 hours.
I schoot up in bed and rip off the tape of my epidrual. The nurse says the catheter can't be pulled out. I think she was wrong, but at this point I still am comfortable.

Around 6:00 PM 
Break my water. I got pretty discouraged after my water breaking and things not progressing quickly. All of the doctors kept telling me - as soon as your water breaks the baby is going to fall out! Just as I'm thinking this/telling the nurse this she tells me to roll to my side so she can put a ball in between my legs...

Around 7:00 PM
I roll to the side and feel so much pain. All of the sudden!! Bobby tells me "I'm going to go upstairs and get my laptop." Not thinking anything is going to happen soon. I grab his hand and tell him I'm in so much pain all of the sudden!
The nurse checks me and says "That's because you're fully dilated!" The resident and doctor come in and things begin. I am having a lot of pain! I would be pushing, but the resident doesn't want me to push for too long because of my heart.

Begin pushing. I am in so.much.pain! I think I was feeling everything. However, my right calf was still numb so who knows. I feel like all 5 people in the room have a hand inside me and are pulling at different directions as hard as they can.
It was like a movie scene - I remember saying/thinking over and over "I can't do this much longer!"
Then the doctor said "One or two more pushes."
"I can't do this much longer!"
Bobby said "You're so close!"

8:03 PM
Welcome Rocky!!!!!!
I knew right when I was done. I could feel the delivery of the head, shoulders, torso, and he needed a little push to get his butt out (LOL!)
He took just a second to cry. Just when I was about to ask if he was ok, a big strong cry came. 
He was ours! And we loved him right away. 
They let me hold him for about an hour before they bathed/weighed him. It was sweet! He was a great nurser. So tiny.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Early? Early? Early?

OB appt - dilated to a 2, 50% effaced
Happy news!

7-23-15 2:20 PM
OB appt - dilated to a 4, 80% effaced!
Could go any day now!

7-24-15 2:00 AM 
Check myself into labor & delivery, contractions are inconsistent - some on top of each other, two were 5 minutes apart...but they are getting easier, not more painful :(
The NP says I can choose to be admitted, or can go home and walk. I'm in that much pain, so I choose to go home - but not to walk, to go to sleep! 
I wake up and contractions are totally gone.

7-24-15 8:00 PM
Mom & Kylee get here! We go straight to the `hospital with more contractions.
Dilated to a 6, bulging sac, contractions are all textbook - 3 minutes apart.
OB sends me walking, but this time to stay at the hospital. I do 18 flights of stairs, and 2 laps around a courtyard around Bobby while he watches ESPN. Trying to get my water to break, or to dilate a little more.
Back to triage, now I'm back to a 5! :( :( And contractions are dwindling again.
Sent back home.

Facial Ultrasound


Kicking a lot! I've said you kick more than Troy even did, which is saying a lot. Mostly at night you are most active.

I am starting to look big. Patients at work begin to ask me when I'm due, what I'm having.

23.5 weeks
Displaying 20150414_195105.jpg

We have a Weiner!


We could NOT be more excited!!!
I can not ever remember being in more shock than I was when on the ultrasound screen flashed -
"It's a Boy!" in the middle of the exam.
I thought you were a girl. And so did your dad.

I am most excited for you and Troy! It will be so fun to see you two playing and running around together. So fun to grow up with someone so close in age to you. I hope so badly that you are the best of friends throughout your life. 
Although, I can't imagine having a Troy and another 2 year old to watch after! Holy craziness ahead!

Most importantly, the US said you were healthy, forming correctly at a good pace. 
I am feeling you kick often, you weigh 11 oz and you looked so cute in your US. I think you looked like your dad ( I remember thinking that same thing with Troy, so maybe you'll look like Troy).

Some things I'll remember about getting our first real good look at you were that you held up a #1 sign multiple times, your body and face were smooshed up against my placenta 95% of the time (maybe we'll get our cuddler?), and we could see you swallowing and your little mouth and tongue going (I'll get a good nurser?). 

Here are the pics-

(#1 sign, profile, profile, singing in a microphone)

(Profile, It's a boy, It's a boy, Feet/Legs)

(Feet, profile, profile)
I think I can see Bobby in these


Fist to cheek

So dramatic - hand over eyes

We think you are CUTE!

Second Trimester

Dear #2,

We are DYING to know your gender! 24 more days until we find out. I think Troy knows, but unfortunately he can't talk yet.
Also anxious to feel you kick, I've thought maybe I've felt something, but haven't been for sure yet.
My pregnancy is very similar to Troy's, which is why I suspect you're a boy. But I've had congestion for 16 weeks now, and estrogen causes congestion! I am feeling really good.
People are starting to notice you (ie the bump). And we have officially introduced you on facebook. 
Can't wait to see another picture of you soon!

Love, Mom


Welcome baby Rampton #2!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited you've decided to join our family! Although so close to age to Troy, we have been wanting, praying and fasting for you to come. 

Here were your first introductions:

1. Mom: I decided I would wait until Wednesday, December 3 to take a pregnancy test. It was the first thing I thought about when I woke up, and as soon as dad left, I took the test. POSITIVE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

2. Troy: Whispered to Troy "You're going to be a big brother!!!!!!" (Also, side note, about 2 days earlier I was feeding Troy in his room, and he was totally fixed on something where nothing appeared to be. He would mostly stare at the one place, but sometimes 'it' would move. I wondered if he was watching a spirit. Perhaps it was you! And Troy got to meet you first.)

3. Dad: Troy and I drove to the Air Force Academy Medical Clinic where dad was working and we left him a note from the stork saying "Congratulations! You're a daddy to two! We're a family of four!" And left it at his door. We later met for lunch :)

4. Aunt Sissy: Called Chelsea to let her know. I want her to tell me when she's pregnant first thing, so had to tell her first.

This shirt -

- was used to tell everyone else.

5. Grandma: We first tricked grandma to going to get Troy from his nap while he was wearing the shirt. It took her about 10 minutes until she realized! She is so excited for me!

6. GP: Then GP came downstairs. It also took him 10 minutes to realize. When he did he said, "Big Bro?! You're not a big bro, unless you're a big bro." (While holding up the hang loose sign). Lol

7. Aunt Kylee: Little Kylee saw and read the shirt right away, it took grandma asking some questions for her to register. She later told me she thought I had just bought the shirt because it was on sale. Kylee started crying, she is so happy!

8. Auntie Ashley: We went upstairs to Ashley's room while she was sleeping. She was (naked) and confused why we were in her room. Right away she said sarcastically, "Is this an announcement." In which I responded in the affirmative and got another sarcastic response "Congratulations." I just kept being honest until she realized it was not a joke,

9. Michael: Last we told Michael (well techincally his gf Prestley first). We were playing charades and after the three blind mice trick with Prestley I acted out being a mom of two babies. He guessed and was excited!!

10. The Rampton side: Bobby sent an email to his family with some "updated pictures of Troy," the last of which was the picture above. No one actually got that we were making an announcement but we eventually told them. 

We love you already, little size-of-a-blueberry baby. I (luckily!) already got an ultrasound due to my heart condition and we think you're the most beautiful little dot!

Due Aug 8, 2015.
I am a little worried that something might be wrong because I haven't gotten any morning sickness, and hardly have any symptoms of pregnancy. But I think I'm worried because it's too good to be true! We are so blessed.

We'll love you forever,
we'll like you for always,
as long as we're living 
our baby you'll be.