You look chunky here, but you dropped to the 17% for weight at 4 months, so you are just a shrimp! But we've started you on rice cereal to try and fatten you up!
Sweetest little face

Not a good lookin' girl


Both so expressive lol

You've always loved your GP

Same onsie! Look how you've grown!

You like your bouncer - can't believe you're old enough to be in it

Sweet little constant-sucker
(and always playing with the feet)

Really, you're the happiest baby around. You just want to be held, is that so much to ask? If you're held you are happy happy!

Trying rice cereal!

I love you so much!!

"Mom, why are you over there?"

Allllll smiles in the mornings!

Brother is helping you grow older faster!

My favorite gift this year!

Meeting Santa and his elves

"Are you going to hold me now?"

Cool with it

Christmas morning smiles!

First time on a swing! You liked it!