Dearest Rocky,
You're at that really fun stage where you cryyyy when I walk across the room. You want me CLOSE at all times. Preferably being held.
You are now a full fledged crawler, and are getting FAST. And you're getting more and more confident pulling yourself up. Especially pulling yourself onto the elephant slide...but then you get stuck because you're better at getting up than you are at getting down.
Today we subbed in nursery and since dad was working (what else is new?), you had to come with me. But you loved playing with the older kids! And the little girls especially liked to touch you. Usually though, you are good in sacrament while Troy is being a pill then right when we drop him off, you start wanting your nap...
I see two little bottom teefers coming in but as of yet, still no teeth! You eat a huge variety of food without them though...probably too much but mom is just not patient when it comes to lumch time so you usually get what T is having.
And your hair is as blonde as blonde gets!
Although still a mama's boy 10000%, you are starting to see what fun Troy and dad have and you want to get into it!
Your hair is shorter now! 4 haircuts in 8 months. Pretty good for a blonde guy.

Example of a mom who doesn't have patience to spoon feed her baby, so instead lets him eat this even though he doesn't have teeth....

Taking a break after house hunting. You did not like house hunting to say the least. (Aren't babies supposed to sleep in the car?!)

You grow up so fast, Rock Man

At the zoo - i.e. PetCo

Surprise trip from Grandma & GP & Kylee - The Best!

Your blue blue eyes. So different from your brother!
I love you.