Sunday, February 3, 2019

I SO Hun-Gee...I no invite you to my birday party!...

I think it can be official that Rocky is our hard child! That kid just pushes and pushes us! He is so sneaky and is constantly sneaking food and/or technology. I usually wake up to him eating marshmallows in the pantry. And cutting open other packages with his scissors. He has a serious sweet tooth and literally - literally - always hates dinner no matter what. It's like he is totally incapable of eating dinner by himself, despite our nagging. If it's quiet for more than a few minutes, it because he has stolen my phone and is in a dark closet playing games with it, trying not to get caught.

But Rocky you are also the fun in our family! You are so full of energy. You talk SO loud no matter what. You love to kiss me, love to be held, love to cuddle me. Everyday you make a "bed" in the living room and ask me to lay with you. You are always saying funny things and are so expressive. You are so good at communicating for your age. Nichole Steadman watched you the other night and she thinks you are just so expressive and precocious!

You are a good boy. I substituted your class in sunbeams today and although you have energy, you also were a good listener. I was very proud of you. You did such a good job starting nursery! You haven't had any problems, besides the fact that you thought you were starting Troy's sunbeams class and were disappointed that you don't get a sucker each week like Troy did.

You are beginning to really draw, just started drawing heads and legs. You can write a "R" and an "O" and can spell your name out loud. You are pretty capable of doing your chores. You don't love Joy School, but you are so good at learning! You are ready for PreK next year, but I don't want to send you! But you are smart as a whip.

You hate it when I talk to friends or talk on the phone. You love having possessions trinkets that belong to you. You bond with batman and love to build with magnatiles by yourself. You still bug Tyler all the time and taunt Troy. Bless those two with patience!

You really need love and affection and attention and I hate that I can't give you all you need. I feel that your rebellion is mostly because of being a middle child of three children who need so much. I expect more of you than any other 3 year old I know.

You are always. ALWAYS hungry. You can just eat and eat. You get hungry before I clean up the meal. You never have enough snacks. You are so hard to keep up with...until dinner.

You poop more than anyone I know - usually 3 huge poops a day. You often will poop 2 times just during quiet time. You also are a free pee'er. I have looked over to see you peeing at the park and at Sea World. The other day you told me, I need to run outside and go pee pee! LOL Why don't you go in the toilet? Idk. But also convenient.

My all time favorite picture of Rocky - very accurate of his personality

Like every child, loves his age and loves talking about when he is 4. When he is mad at me, he always tells me "Mom, you can't come to my birthday party." That is a classic Rocky statement. I hear it every day. To him, that is the worst possible insult you could give someone.

Birthday Party - Izzy & Abby, Emma Allred, Troy, Theo Steadman, Wayne Sorensen, Logan Willardson & Walker White (not pictured)

This boy love loves to dress up - Hulk is his favorite, my horrible homemade bat costume is his #2 lol

Feeling so special after Eliza made him a vest for his bday

From Instagram - "Rocky at Christmastime: Spent a lot of time wrapping 'gifts' (ie change, all 8 of our glue sticks, popsicle sticks, etc.). I only kept his best, but we probably had 30+ gifts from Rocky on Christmas morning. Sang the same Christmas song over and over and over again (In a Little Stable). Braved the man made sled hill. Stayed awake until 12:00:30 on New Years Eve."

New Years. You are a brave kid!!!!

Joy School. You're always extra naughty when Joy School is at our house.

Bobby was gone for Halloween. Of course we missed him, but score! We could eat as much candy as we wanted! Rocky and me went crazy. Troy had one piece....

Showing off your muscles.

The primary teacher told us last week Rocky calmly grabbed her face, pulled it close to hers and said "I.Need.Help.Cutting" when she wasn't giving him attention. haha!