Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Birth of a Middle Child

The birth of a middle child has been an adjustment for us! You love on baby brother, and have no feelings of jealousy, but you have a strong desire for attention and physical touch and to be held these days. Lots of whining and you are the instigator of bickering between you and Troy - bless his heart. But we still love you Rock.

Rocky has become so good at talking lately. He is putting together longer and longer sentences and just about every day I think "Wow! I can't believe you just said that!" His little voice is still so high and usually ends in a question. Troy and Rocky are just beginning to have conversations between the two of them, and I love to listen in. Rocky's biggest conversation contributions are:
"Yucky ______!"
"Hold you...Hold you...Hold you."

The poor boy falls more than any other toddler I've ever met. In fact, the dentist wants to pull his tooth on Tuesday due to trauma (I'm hoping we can get out of it). He is constantly tripping while running forward. This week he was running towards me, tripped and his face landed on the kitchen stool...Lots of blood and a torn frenulum later...And that's not even case of his dead tooth.

Rocky has SO much energy and is excited about anything anyone is excited about. He loves to dance/jump (one in the same to him). Still has the most expressive eyebrows, which are constantly raised as high as he can get them.

Rocky is somewhat potty trained. Today he wet his pants bad in nursery. But he has been so interested and wanting to wear underwear that I would have been crazy not to run with it. His anticipation is not great, but he goes on command. It's just a matter of reminding him/having access to a toilet as soon as he mentions it. But overall I am so impressed with him. He practically told me he was going to stop using diapers. I had NO intention of potty training him this early.