Little Rocky, I can just not get enough of you.
You are SOOO smiley to anyone that looks at you. I get SO many comments on your smile when we go out.
I instagrammed "Everywhere we go, everyone always says 'He's smiling at me!'"
It's true. I am so lucky that I get to be the recipient of most of those smiles.

Mmmm, in those overalls I can't even,,,

You loove bathtime. When you get tired in the evenings but its too early to put you down, I put you in the tub, and you kick, smile, are so wide eyed, and smile of course! (And chew on the bath letter toys).

Oh, and chew your toes

On our way to Phoenix

With your girlfriend, Emma Jackson

Unlike Troy you looove to sleep with me!

So interested in toys lately

I will find you in places that I did not set you down! You are not crawling yet, but you are moving somehow.

Sweetest baby. I get to watch you fall asleep every night.
And for that, I count my blessings.

You are on a new adventure of trying baby foods. You can not get enough of them.
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