Rocky has been 2 to me for a long time. It fits you, Rocky.
We loved celebrating you today. We love the person you are.
I wasn't going to do a party, but we went to another 2-year-old party and you were WAY into it. Into the presents and cake and fun! So I thought you needed one.
I stayed up until 11 last night (I never stay up late!) making a perfect "2" cake and cupcakes and doing banners, streamers, and balloons for the big day (we wanted to celebrate today while dad was home and not at the office all day studying like Sat). We invited the Sorensens, Strider, Carlsons, Jeters, Brandsons, Williardsons, Kimes and Rodriguez to come celebrate (2 families couldn't come but still a LOT of friends). And I baked a cake, cupcakes, got lots of ice cream and was prepped for an apple pie too. All plans were in place...
Until sacrament meeting, where Troy threw up on our bench, in the foyer and all over himself and dad. That is a traumatic post for another blog. Then we had to tell everyone not to come :( But we still celebrated with just our family. We even let the sickie eat cake. And you seemed just as happy.
You loved your bubble machine from grandma and barking card from Tutu. You loved being sung to and us giving you attention. It was a good day.
I wrote this on facebook -
Happy 2nd Birthday Rocky Rampton!!
🎉 We've loved two years of the biggest facial expressions and extreme moods, snuggles and kisses from our tender child, watching you gain ground on wrestling Troy, constant acting like a puppy/kitty and lining trucks in a row. Rocky is friendly, assertive and athletic, talkative, self-aware and fast. And always hungry for snacks. We love this little guy

Rocky is a wild child. A word I think of to describe Rocky is emotional, but not in the way it's used. Emotional as in he wears his emotions. The boy is always making loud noises. Sometimes whining and crying, but lots of time laughing and talking. He just gets overcome with emotions for me, and wants to hug for long periods of time, or goes through kissing spurts.
He really does have the funniest facial expressions. I remember saying that in the hospital with him. But he is so good with his eyebrows. He raises them and tilts his head and grabs your face as he talks gibbersih to you. He is a master at the surprised face and the pouty face. He scrunches his nose so cute. He also has the concerned look down. Or he squints his eyes real small and smiles and shakes his head in a 'this is silly' face...There are many more faces of Rocky, I could go on.
I just asked Bobby what he wants to remember about you when you were 2, and he says that you are just so loving and forgiving. "He's just so naughty but then two minutes later he'll still just love me."
Rocky is not "processor" like Troy is. Rocky just does. He likes the chaos of other kids, and likes to join and run and be friendly. He doesn't think things through like Troy does. He makes friends easily. He doesn't get overwhelmed or shy. Although he does not like getting dropped off for nursery but then usually does ok (but his dad does stay with him a lot - even though I tell him not to).
Rocky and Troy fight nonstop. But Rocky is not a poor younger sibling victim. He is often the instigator. How it usually works is Rocky pesters and annoys until Troy snaps and hits. Then Rocky comes crying to me. He knows just what to do so I never want to put him down. Snuggles close and rests his head on my shoulder.
His favorite word right now is "yeah." It's cute how much he uses it. "Yee-ah." He is just beginning to put together two worded sentences "Bye bye dada."
"Are you ready for bed, Rocky?"
"No, Troy!"
Rocky also is getting interested in building magformers and lining trucks, just like his brother. He likes balls and playing catch with dad. He pretends he's a dog or kitty about 1/4 of the day long and will really squeeze through your legs like a cat or lick you.
I love you so much Rocky. You are a great sleeper, you don't really make noise until I get you so I never know when you woke up. You are a great eater. You ate a ton of taco salad the other day. You are sweet and fun and smart.
Love you so much for who you are!
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